Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hurricane Season

I just got done watching this movie and I can say that I absolutely love this movie. LiL Wayne plays the bookie and all the basketball players look like the ones who actually played in real life and won the championships. This was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. The fact that so many bad things has happened to each person who suffered from Hurrican Katrina in New Orleans is just amazing how they can come back and be a team through their stuff times. It was really great to see so many big celebrities star in a movie about The Hurrican that hit New Orleans and ruined so many lives and killed millions of people. They played basketball for New Orleans and didnt walk away from what has happened. The people who kept going are amazing people that deserved everything they got because they had faith that everything would get better.


  1. this was a really good movie...also veryy inspirational

  2. Great! Glad you liked the movie. Unfortunately, many New Orleans natives are still struggling to recover from the disaster almost 5 years later.
